36 weeks tomorrow… Well this is getting real!

I’m not sure how 36 weeks has come around so quickly but here we are! And of course now is the time the nesting is kicking in! I’m still getting exhausted easily and still feeling faint every now and again so I have to pace myself… ha!!!! Or get friends and family to take it un turns to come and help! 🤣

At least the heatwave is over. I know, I know, women in other countries have to deal with the heat but it’s not normal for us. We are not designed or equipped to deal with it! I spent 3 days sat in front of a fan drinking litres of water… and we know what drinking water means!!!!

Today I have re-packed my hospital bag for about the 50th time. I’ve also changed bags and I still don’t feel ready or that I have everything I need! I just keep saying to myself, as long as I have clothes for me and baby and toiletries I’ll be fine… right?!?! 🤦‍♀️

Now I’m reaching the end zone, I’m starting to look forward to some post-pregnancy changes. Obviously cuddles with the new love of my life and being able to eat carbs, but also things I never thought would be a thing. One thing I was never told as a midwife, didn’t know it was a thing until recently… excess saliva! Oh my goodness! Seriously, what is that about?! I have never been a night time dribbler, but I now wake up looking like Homer Simpson in a Krispy Kreme! I have taken to keeping a towel next to my bed. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me… I was actually on the verge of going to the GP. But then I saw an article that said, just as with blood volume, your saliva increases in pregnancy. So I thought I would see. I wrote a post on a forum I am on and it turns out it really is a thing! And there were a LOT of women who were relieved I had started the topic! Talk about opening a can of worms! I feel this is something we should be told! So there you go ladies, you might be one of the lucky ones but if you decide to have a baby you might have to deal with epic drool before the teething kicks in!

And speaking if dribbling (I have warned before about TMI so don’t blame me)… turns out, no matter how vigilant you have been with your pelvic floor, when there is a baby pressing on your bladder, nothing is stopping that pee escaping! I can sneeze, I can cough, I can jump up and down and nothing. Baby has a wriggle and there is zilch I can do! Tena lady are my new bffs! I know this is something I need to get used to but I have done pelvic floor exercises regularly, ever since I trained as a midwife, so it just feels so unfair!

So, 36 weeks scan and clinic appointment tomorrow. I will find out if baby has decided to turn the right way or not and what the plan is for induction or c-section. I’m trying lots of positive thinking for induction or even going into labour by myself! But what will be will be.

Stay safe everyone and ciao for now!

No Nat, you cannot come to the hospital!

Just as I thought!

Definitely wasn’t my waters yesterday! So all still going along nicely. I was absolutely exhausted when I got home and had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in ages. Don’t get me wrong, I still woke up but instead of lying there trying to go back to sleep I just crashed out each time! I’m making the most of that one!

I’m hoping that sleeps will have stored enough energy that I can sort some of the baby’s things out today. I’ve washed pretty much all of the clothes for the first 3 months, packed the ones for the hospital, so I just need to put the rest away in the wardrobe! Nesting time!

Any who, stay safe and ciao for now! 😁

Time flies!

Well, I’ve been meaning to write and before I know it weeks have gone by! Since I last wrote I have discovered I potentially have somethings known as POTS (Postural Tachycardia Syndrome) which is related to Long Covid. Covid, the gift that keeps on giving! This is the reason for the feeling faint and the palpitations. Standing up for more than a few minutes is still proving to be an issue and I have to be pretty careful when getting up in the night or first thing in the morning.

I also have gestational diabetes so I get the joy of pricking my finger four times a day to check my blood sugar levels. Most of which have been fine and controlled with diet. It’s just the pesky fasting blood sugars after a night’s sleep that won’t behave, so I have been started on insulin at night.

I’m still off work at the moment which I am finding frustrating but having now been signed off until the end of term I need to get my head around the fact I won’t be going back until after the baby is born. I am really missing work but I know I need to put Snoops first and me passing out in the middle of a classroom is probably not going to be ideal!

So now for something a bit happier! In was thrown an absolutely amazing baby shower by some wonderful friends last weekend. Snoops and I were thoroughly spoiled and it was so nice to have some gorgeous people there to share it with. I was very much entertained by the attempts at plasticine babies as well as hearing some of the responses to the questions about me! I was very chuffed to find out that my mum won that one!

I had some gorgeous presents and I definitely don’t need to think about clothes for the first three months! Thanks everyone!!! To cap off an already lovely day I then had dinner with my cousins and their amazing partners. I pretty much slept the whole of the next day but it was totally worth it!

I am currently sat in the day assessment unit to find out whether I have leaking waters or not! I’m 32 weeks tomorrow so I’m really hoping not! Warning for the upcoming TMI. I’ve definitely had some sort of leaking today, which I haven’t had before. It could just be the joys of normal pregnancy discharge (don’t say I didn’t warn you!) but better safe than sorry right! No contractions or tightenings so I’m not even thinking about preterm labour, in fact I’m pretty sure it’s nothing. After all other than the diabetes the pregnancy has been pretty straight forward… it’s me that’s the nightmare!

I’ll let you know how it goes!

Stay safe and ciao for now! 😁

26 weeks and not all is going to plan! (Warning: may get TMI!)

Well! The last week has not been particularly plain sailing! It all started last weekend with the start of a cold and a nice little tummy bug to go along with it. Not ideal but all manageable. Then Monday, the cough started. Lateral flow said no, which was a bonus. Another LF on Tuesday also said no but cough wasn’t a dry cough, I was coughing up all kinds of ick! Spoke to GP who wanted to check me over but decided just a nasty cold. She said to keep and eye on it anyway. So, I spent the next few days in bed feeling like absolute rubbish. The worst thing being that every now and again I would come over all faint, even when I was lying down. Plus, the palpitations I have had since covid seemed to be more regular and lasting longer.

Saturday, I had a long episode of feeling like I was going to faint and I wondered if it was low blood pressure which I had a few weeks ago. I thought I would see if I could see an out of hours GP just to get it checked. Apparently the paramedic on 111 disagreed and 2 hours later I was sat in my living room with the paramedics having an ECG. The ECG showed “some changes” and they decided the best bet was get me into the hospital for some bloods. I was adamant I would be out that night, so other than grabbing a jacket, phone charger and my medications, I didn’t bother with anything else. In A&E, I had another ECG which again showed something so I was sent for a chest x-ray. All was going well, that was until I had just had my chest x-ray and could feel that I was about to drop to the floor! The radiographer got me on the bed and to be honest it’s all a bit of a blur after that but I know they had to get a trolley to get me back to where I had been before. Another ECG, this time all was fine but they decided they weren’t happy sending me home so admission to the antenatal ward it was… which is where I still am!

I am happy to say that following a CT scan, they have ruled out an Pulmonary Embolism (blood clot in the lung) and I am currently sitting here with a 24 hour ECG on. They are still reluctant to send me home due to still having episodes of feeling like I am about to pass out, even when I’m lying down. And, I no longer feel like I smell as my lovely Mum has brought me in clean clothes and wet wipes! I am not allowed to shower or bath with the monitor on so the wet wipes will have to do until tomorrow morning!

I am also eternally grateful to my amazing family and friends who have helped look after my fur babies! Probably not as grateful and Jarvis and Natasha though! I have also noticed (through the wonder of a doorbell camera) that my neighbours are collecting parcels and putting my bins out for me! Bless all of you for being so amazing!

I am happy to report, that despite Mummy being a complete disaster, Snoopy appears to still be loving life and all monitoring is looking good. Being able to hear his/her heart beat every 4 hours is the silver lining to this cloud. I am also re-finding those midwifery skills of playing chase the baby when on the CTG monitor, as this little one loves a good game of hide and seek… a sign of things to come?!

Anyway, feeling a bit pooped so going to either have a snooze or move onto The Empire Strikes Back! Disney+ has been a lifeline!!

Stay safe everyone and ciao for now! xxx

25 weeks! How?!

I am definitely starting to sound old! Where did the last 25 weeks go??? I seems like no time at all since I took that pregnancy test. But here I am, 25 week midwife appointment and I finally got to hear Snoopster’s heartbeat. I was just a tad emotional! Of course the little monster didn’t make it easy, having a good old wriggle as if to runaway from the sonicaid!

I was also adamant I have a UTI, very similar symptoms to when I had one before but dipstick says all is normal. My lovely midwife has sent the sample off anyway just to make sure. It’s probably just those joyous ligaments stretching to make way for Snoops to grow.

I’ve also spoken to the GP today as my blood tests have shown I’m anemic. So I can now add iron tablets to my ever growing daily medication round! I have an ECG booked for next week as I’ve been getting palpitations. They are fairly normal in pregnancy but better to be safe than sorry!

I feel very looked after at the moment. My upcoming half term consists of another scan with antenatal clinic and another midwife appointment with the added joy of a glucose tolerance test. I just wish they still used lucozade and not the horrible mixture! 🤢

I realise I have made it sound like there is a lot going on but I am happy to say I have felt pretty good these last few weeks. Ok, I get a bit tired but nothing like I was before and I’m loving feeling the movements going on in my uterus… maybe not so much at 4am but I’ll still embrace it!

Stay safe and ciao for now! 🥰

Bad blogger!

Wow! I didn’t realise how bad I had been at posting! Not that I am making excuses but the joy of migraines and cluster headaches, a tooth abscess and covid may have contributed!

Can you believe I am now 22 weeks! That is INSANE! Since I last wrote we have had another couple of scans. 20 week scan gave me a glimpse of what I am in store for… there is no doubt this baby is mine! Lazy and stubborn! He/she insisted on staying put despite the bed being tilted and me jumping up and down like I was on a pogo stick. Completely covering their heart and my cervix so the poor sonographer had no way seeing either or getting the position of the placenta.

So, yesterday we were back again and when we first arrived the pickle was again blocking their heart and the placenta! This time we managed to get movement by me moving around and giving Snoops a good poke!

Happy to say all appears as well as can be. I will never fail to be amazed at scans and being able to see so much, even the blood flow to and from the heart. I currently have a low lying placenta but we have plenty of time for that to correct itself. I also found out that despite choosing a donor a whole foot taller than me, I currently have a child with short legs! I’m sorry Snoopy, I tried! There is still time though!

We did have an entertaining moment when the sonographer caught a picture of the hand… not sure that Snoops was happy about being seen as he/she was giving us the v! Although, as if suddenly realising mum was watching, 2 more fingers appeared and the photo instead looks like a wave!

Hi! I wasn’t being rude Mum… honest!

It’s safe to say I am well and truly in love with his teeny tiny human currently residing in my uterus. I can now feel flutters of movement and I think it’s safe to say I have a music lover. There seem to be plenty of boogying going on at my cousin’s wedding on Saturday.. either that or Snoops was as excited as me that 2 of our favourites were getting married.

I am now making my way across the channel to spend a week in France with two more favourites. Although, I do wonder if my dad would prefer a small child to entertain instead of an emotional pregnant daughter! 🤔

I hope I have updated you… it was an early start this morning! As always I love seeing your comments and I am always open to questions. Pregnancy may not have gone the way I imagined so far but I love talking about it!

Stay safe and ciao for now!

Over halfway!


Baby is all good!!! Snoopster continues to be incredibly wiggly causing the trainee sonographer no end of problems in trying to do measurements… in fact the other sonographer ended up doing an estimation because little one wouldn’t stay still!! Heartbeat nice and strong. Feeling very relieved.

Now home and snuggled up with one of the fur-babies, watching the curling!

Stay safe and ciao for now! Xx

12 week scan done

I’m a bit late on the update! Sorry everyone! I have had some pretty nasty headaches over the last week. I knew headaches were a thing but as someone who suffers from migraines at the best of times it would appear they become more frequent I pregnancy!

9th Feb was the day I got to see my baby for the second time, but for the first time actually looking like a baby! Snoopster was gorgeous! I was so overwhelmed, it actually took me by surprise. I have seen many scans in my previous life as a midwife but nothing prepared me for seeing my own! Although, I will admit now, part of me still didn’t believe it!

It was so lovely having my mum with me too. My mum, dad and step-mum have been the most amazing support throughout this whole thing and I genuinely don’t know how I would have got through it without them!

I have been so excited about the scan, I think I have shown anyone who will look. I did stop short of the postman, although it was tempting!

I would live to say that it has been easy since but yesterday I had some bleeding and Inhave been having some stomach cramps. This morning I had to decide whether to brace Storm Eunice and make my way to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic or wait until Monday. As the wind wasn’t too bad at the time I have chosen to come and I am now sat waiting to check all is A-OK.

Looking at the weather outside, I many now have to camp at the hospital for a bit! My gut feeling is that all is ok and it’s just one of those things but I need to check for reassurance. I’m also incredibly early for my appointment! Managed to write down the time of 11:00 instead of 11:40! Still, it could have been the other way round!!

Stay safe everyone and ciao for now!

Midwife appointment, check!

10 weeks tomorrow and I had my first midwife appointment today! I had a lovely midwife and student who were really excited about learning about my story. They made me feel really at ease.

We went through all the booking questions , bloods, blood pressure and of course the obligatory peeing in a pot. This is my life now!! Because of risk factors I will need to take aspirin and give myself clexane injections. And I will need to see an obstetrician to decide if I need to continue with the thyroxine tablets.

Now I just wait for my 12 week scan date to come through!!! Exciting!!!

Stay safe everyone and ciao for now!

It is actually real… I saw proof!

Today was probably the most nervous I have been to date. In a way I found it more nerve-wracking than the pregnancy test. Today I had my eight week early pregnancy scan. This isn’t a routine scan but if you have IVF it is a way of making sure you haven’t had a false positive but also that the fetus is in the correct place. I spent the morning distracting myself with the children at school but from the moment I sat in my car for the hour long journey it was all I could think about!

I have had so many dreams in the last few weeks where it wasn’t real, or they did the scan and there was nothing there. I also had a dream that I had a miscarriage. Apparently this is normal but it really didn’t help the anxiety! It also didn’t help that once I got there I was informed my scan was actually yesterday!!! I was mortified! Fortunately, my clinic is full of wonderful amazing people and they told me they would still do the scan. And if I’m honest, it worked out amazingly well because the person who did my scan is someone I used to work with who also did my embryo transfer… now known as my lucky charm!

The first moments of the scan were nerve-wracking, Kerry had warned me it might take her a while to find what she was looking for but I could feel myself holding my breath! And then both of saw it at the same time. This little fluttering blob. A little flutter that turned out to be the heartbeat in my little blob baby! Please don’t tell me off for being mean, but honestly, right now my baby looks like a blob! A blob I am completely and madly in love with!

Meet Blob… who has now been affectionately renamed, Bean! For those like me, who have no idea what they are looking at, the black area is the gestational sac (fluid), the round blob is the yolk sac (what is feeding the baby whilst the placenta fully develops) and the bean-like blob is known as the fetal pole, is my baby! Right now, as you can see it doesn’t look like a baby but that is because it is still developing. It has a heartbeat, it has started growing arms and legs, it has started developing eyes and ears and the spine is nearly formed.

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I am finally accepting that I am not making it up in my head and I am , in fact, pregnant! And although it can’t be 100% guaranteed, at this time we only saw 1 heartbeat! I cannot stop smiling! I know I can’t totally relax at this point. I still have a few more weeks to go. And most people wouldn’t have shared their news at this point. Fair play to them because there is no way I could keep this to myself! I know there is still a chance it could go wrong but for now, I am enjoying the moment and I officially consider myself a Mum! I had reached a point where I genuinely didn’t believe it would happen. It’s been two years since the decision to try and I finally know I can do this! Now it is down to my body and my little bean to keep going!

I’m sure there will be more updates to come soon but until then, stay safe and ciao for now!